
10 Top World News Headlines on Democracy Now…

Monday 3.11.19

  1. Ethiopian Boeing airplane crashed, and all 150 passengers have died.
  2. Whistleblower Bradley/Chelsea Manning is back in jail because he/she doesn’t want to answer question at the Grand Jury about Wikileaks.
  3. Trump continues to work on funding the Mexico/USA border wall…
  4. For the People Act was passed.
  5. Venezuela Glenn Greenwald
  6. Israeli Netanyahu…
  7. Tamar Arafat was killed by Zionist Israel in Gaza…
  8. Judge Jeanine makes fun of Ilhan Omar’s hijab…
  9. Cindy Yang charged in Human Trafficking Sting…and she has a connection to Trump, donating lots of money to Trump’s campaign…
  10. Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Facebook, Google and Amazon…


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