Tuesday, 5.11.21
I worked out a lot today. I did two classes at the gym–SilverSneakers and Weights classes from 10 pm to noon at the South Coast Metro gym. I realized that two classes are too much for the 2-hour free parking. So, I will just take one class next time, and work out on the machines for 30 minutes.
I drove to the Culver gym and noticed it has closed down. There are now only two 24-HR Fitness gyms nearest to my home–the South Coast Metro gym and Irvine Center Drive gym. Many in my area have closed down.
I returned home and noticed that the Spring Cleaning Dumpsters will be set out this month.
Then, at 6:30 pm, I went on a local walking meetup at the UCI campus. 13 people showed up for the walking meetup. I ended up walking 5.3 miles, 16 floors, and 14,131 steps. It was still light outside when I walked back home at around 8 pm.
I made a cup of hot water with lemon juice and some honey, which was relaxing after an all day workout.