
Playing Him Like a Piano – part 70

The day of the divorce arrived.

The evidence given by Kat and all of Jeremiah’s  friends, painted him as an abusive savage.

Jerry sat as a zombie.  He could not believe that every word he’s said to people he thought were his friends, people he trusted, were being repeated in Court.  Repeated and used to confirm him as an abusive dominating husband.

Kat got a lot of points when she gave her evidence.  She said she wanted nothing from Jeremiah save her half of the house.   Seeming to hold back tears she accepted that her daughter had been poisoned against her, so it was in the child’s best interest that Jerry had full custody.

Of course, in reality, Alice hated Kat because Kat hated Alice.  Alice loved her Daddy because he looked after her.

However, in Court,the way Kat spoke  made it seem that it was the abusive and dominating Jeremiah who poisoned Alice’s mind against her mother.

There was nothing Jeremiah could say in any way which would refute the allegations.   Especially when the pitiful Kat had everything she said backed up by a gang of men who Jeremiah would have labeled friends, whom he thought were coming to Court on his behalf.

The divorce was granted, the house ordered to be sold.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar