Four years after leaving Neville, after trying to regain her children and being thwarted, both by Olga and the coldness of Paul and John, Sandra married again.
The desire to take her sons,, even for a visit, before her marriage, evaporated. Sandra lived in the now, and nothing was more important to her than the success of her marriage to Albert, and the welfare of her daughter, Julie.
Everything before she met Albert was buried. Paul and John were forgotten.
Neville had not realised Sandra no longer wanted the boys years ago. If he had only been aware, he’d have shipped Paul and John to his mother and focused on his marriage to Zel, and the children they had.
Perhaps, if Neville had done this, maybe his marriage would not have broken down.
Paul and John were happy. They had gotten what they wanted. They had destroyed their father’s marriage, and now were living in their ‘kingdom’ at Grandma’s house.