
Pit Children – Explanation (3)

When one enters a relationship with a person who already has a child or children, one must be extremely vigilant.

Not all half siblings display sociopathy.  However,  because there isn’t much publicity or information on what I call “Pit Children”,  many parents blame themselves.

It is this lack of publicity, of knowledge, which enables ‘Pit’ Children to be so successful.

There are some who can and do physically injure or kill their half siblings.  Others who can satisfy with simply having their half or step siblings punished.   Others labour to have them lose their parent’s affection.

For many Pit Children, destroying the marriage between their parent and another is the centre of their being.

As in the example, Zel divorced Neville for the protection of her children.  Not only did she divorce him, and get a restraining order against him, she obtained orders against his sons, Paul and John.

This is because Zel recognised the damage and danger these ‘Pit Brothers’  exuded.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar