
Pit Children – 4

Neville had remarried and wanted his children.   Paul and John were cold to him, clinging to Olga, as they had done when their mother, Sandra came to take them.   Olga told him the same things she had told her ex-daughter in law.  But unlike Sandra who would be chased by the resistance of her children  and the explanations of Olga,  Neville was not so easily thwarted.

Neville believed his children would be better off with him and his new wife, Zel, so he abruptly took them.

From the entrance to their father’s home they created situations.

Zel, having given birth to her first child,  tried to be warm to her new step sons.  But the hatred they evidenced made her extra vigilant, for there was something evil about P & J.

She realised these were not ‘step’ children, but ‘pit’ children, who would drag everyone down to satisfy their twisted needs.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar