Lily had not thought of herself as odd or different. That she had no friends did not enter her mind as she was not particularly aware of the other children in her class.
Lily went to school to learn as much as she could so as to come first. Coming first was important. Friends and games and entertainments were not.
Her parents worked in their own small business. Her mother and father would breakfast with her, then he would go to the shop, she would remain to see Lily off to school then join him.
Her mother would be present when Lily returned from school, insure that she performed her rituals of taking care of her clothing, of showering, of doing her homework. After sharing dinner with her parents, after watching the news, she would return to her room and stay there. Her parents would return to the business.
Lily didn’t feel alone. With so many books and so much to learn, Lily didn’t have down time, didn’t think of it. Didn’t know it existed.
Lily did not know that other children played, watched Television, went to movies, rode bikes, and school was some place they had to go, not wanted to be.