
And Comes the Fourth Generation – part 57

Odette, the cleaner at Miriam House, had at first been discomforted by the appointment of Selma Rashford Grindley as Matron.

For years she’d worked under Miss Brown who did nothing, and didn’t monitor Odette’s tasks or lack of work. This was due to the first attempt at management Miss Brown had made, which was kicked aside by the Board.

After that, she did nothing.   Odette was comfortable with this.  Then Selma Rashford Grindley had arrived, loud and insulting, acting as if she owned the property.

Then, Selma became ill.

At first Odette was going to shrug, but then realised what a gift this was.  Selma would languish in the bed, and there would be absolutely no one to monitor her.

Selma became dependent on Odette for her meals.

Odette, needing to keep Selma as weak as possible. She would arrive at 10:30 and change Selma’s diaper, cook food, feed her, and steal a few items she didn’t think would be missed.

As Selma deteriorated, Odette didn’t want her to die in her face and she’d have to talk to police, so she called her son, Joe Rashford Grindley.

When he finally ambled over, he called for an ambulance.

Odette expected Selma to die in a hospital, not to be returned to Miriam House.  Not to be returned and tended by two practical nurses who worked in tandem.  This meant that her days as Selma’s nurse were over.

However, with no one to monitor her, save the annoying daily visits of Fran Alman, who worked in the office, Odette had a nice vacation from May until July, when Selma died.

She would arrive at 10, leave at 3, and do nothing, except talk on her cell phone, (the one she stole from a tenant), watch T.V. at Selma’s flat, and sleep.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar