
And Comes the Fourth Generation – part 55

Joe decided to forgo a funeral. Waste of money.

Selma, his mother,  would be cremated, her ashes put in her father’s grave. She had requested to be buried beside her father. This was the best Joe could do, considering cost.

He  arranged a little ceremony at the internment of the ashes, telling the Church to handle it, and have a short wake at Miriam House.

Selma had died on Tuesday, was cremated on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday Joe and his wife spent searching his mother’s things for valuables, amid entertaining various visitors.

Most of the stuff was junk but Selma did have a few valuable antiques that could be sold, according to one of the Church members who fancied himself an appraiser. Joe told him to handle it.

Don, Selma’s brother, flew in  Friday evening. He’d stay at Miriam House and on Sunday after the ‘internment’ they’d have the ‘memorial’.

Don and Joe relaxed at Miriam House Saturday afternoon into evening. They got beers, invited a couple of friends and had a kind of ‘boys night in’.

That Miriam House was owned by the Church, that Selma had only been the Matron, was ignored.   It was a nice house to hang in, and would save Don hotel fees.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar