
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 97

Joe Rashford Grindley, let his mother die in Miriam House because he would not pay another cent for her Medical care.  He lets her die there, because he did not want her in his house.

Joe Rashford Grindley withholds medication and lets his mother die in what was supposed to be a home for indigent Church members, a charity.

A home, Miriam House, listed as a charity, which instead became a crummy pseudo dorm.   Something to amass money for the church.

This so-called Charity, jamming girls into small rooms, charging them rent, pocketing the rent.

Joe Rashford Grindley, who knew the scam the Board was running, would get around to clearing the house when he was ready.

As many of Board were Fourth Generation, as Joe Rashford Grindley, they had no choice.

They couldn’t risk exposure.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar