
And Comes the Fourth Generation- 107

Elvis March hadn’t expected to become President.   He wasn’t as pretentious as the rest of the 4th Generation.  He had a real job, a bit of money, and accepted the position of Vice President as a figure head.

When the Late Selma Rashford Grindley, the previous Matron, had pointed out the  chipping paint, the poorly done electrical work, there was no other action the Board could take, but the dismissal of the President, Paul Mollusk.

To prevent too many questions, Mollusk was made Vice President, and Elvis pushed into the top spot.

Elvis didn’t think there would be much work, but  with Ann South as an active Matron/Manager at Miriam House he had more work than hours in a day.

From the missing East fence, to the termite infestation, from the rats to the chipping paint, it was a full time job.  And he wasn’t sure he had the time.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar