
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 101

The First Generation, those who had turned the Church into a venue for the rich, who had maintained it as a kind of lodge where they could interact, and invite those of their ‘breed’, had been multi-millionaires.

There was a time one couldn’t buy a bag of cement, a car, a television, a lawn mower, from anyone but them.

They owned supermarkets and movie theatres, bars and buildings.   And they passed their wealth to their children.

Some of the children were able to maintain the fortune.  A few, able to increase it.  Most, only able to spend it.

The Third Generation, Grand sons and daughters of those who had been millionaires, was mostly worthless.  Spoiled, believing in their own superiority, they didn’t know how to make or hold money, only spend it.

They passed very little to the Fourth.

The Fourth saw the mansions they were born in sold. They could not be sent to the best schools, for their parents couldn’t afford it. But they grew with a sense of snobbery that was enormous.

They were incompetent, ignorant, but with their belief in their superiority made things so much worse for themselves.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar