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Today I’m going to help you win every argument every single time.
Tip number one is learn who not to ever argue with there are just some people out there they’re absolutely impossible to argue with them include stupid people uninformed people and women absolutely no winning an argument if somebody is stupid as in like just not that smart or they’re totally uneducated on a specific topic or their one piece or the facts black and white noise.
Tip number two knows what not to ever argue about religion and politics these two things you know it, but you still see it on Facebook and social media it drives the absolutely insane actually it makes me laugh, you’ll see people in like heated knockdown, drag-out debates which is not even a debate it’s like I think one thing you think the other I will never change your mind and you will never change mine.
Tip number three never argue with emotional people if you’re arguing with somebody and they are obviously emotionally invested or tied to a topic you can take logic in facts and toss them out the window emotion that trumps reason so if you say that somebody is obviously emotional move on amigo there’s no way.
Tip number four never argue with somebody who’s been drinking just don’t but it’s horrible all right you’re about to get into an argument with somebody first go through the checklist do they check any of those first four boxes if the answer is yes don’t engage don’t argue because you will never win but if don’t think it’s safe to engage remember.
Tip number five which has stayed calm, calm have you ever argued with somebody mace are getting all crazy nuts you maintain composure right, it’s super frustrating for them and you ultimately can think a little bit clearer more rationally and have a better time getting through if you maintain composure.
Tip number six is stick to the facts, don’t go all like assumptions and hearsay and rumors facts.
Tip number seven is asking questions because a lot of times people’s arguments totally fall apart when you actually ask them to explain there’s a lot of times they’re just regurgitating some soundbite or talking points.
Tip number eight has maintained an open mind understand that you may be wrong.
Tip number nine which is acknowledged valid points when somebody says something and you, all of a sudden they’re like okay that kind of makes sense let them know.
Tip number ten to win an argument every single time look for a win.
Thanks For Reading
Interesting tips Nabi!
Very interesting post and awesome tips!
Wonderful Great Tips…!