
5 Tips to Avoid Home Design Arguments

Owning a property or even designing and building your own is a fantastic opportunity to create a design that you’ll love today and for years into the future. Unfortunately, unless it is a completely solely project there are likely to be differences in opinion along the way.

These can turn into huge issues that threaten the completion of your project, or you can utilize the following 5 tips to avid home design arguments and get the best of both worlds.


  • Communication


If you don’t communicate your design ideas to each other then your partner won’t know what they are and can’t take them into consideration.  The result will be a design you’re not happy with as you bottle up your feelings; until you’re ready to explode.

The resultant argument can do more than damage your home design; it can destroy your relationship.

You need to keep the channels of communication open, stressing that raised voices are not allowed and everything can be discussed.


  • Compromise


Of course you won’t be able to get everything your own way. Before you even start designing it is important to recognize that there will be compromises. Ideally you should have a reserve idea to help the compromise develop.

For example; you may want vinyl cladding but your partner wants a timber house or finish. You can contact by finding an expert such as Peter Bracey and choosing a timber effect cladding. It is actually possible to keep both sides happy with the right compromise.


  • Pick Your Battles


It is important to consider which design features you feel really strongly about. This will allow you to prepare reasonable arguments why these features should be incorporated.

It will also ensure you know when to argue the case and in which areas you are most prepared to compromise.


  • Color Management


You may have very different ideas on what color you would like each room to be. Fortunately your house will be big enough to accommodate several different themes. Or you can talk about your color preferences and work out a way in which the specific room can support both colors.

It may be that instead of the walls being painted your favorite shade of blue the color is introduced through the soft furnishings and the walls are kept neutral with a pale pastel or white paint.


  • Get A Professional


If you are really struggling to agree on any design principles then it is time to call in a professional designer. They won’t just be able to act as a negotiator between the two of you. A good designer will be able to give you ideas that you hadn’t considered; transforming your project and making it easy to agree on the right action to take.

It’s actually a good idea to mix the styles; it will make the home look more personal and more comfortable for everyone living there. Don’t forget that if you have children your design plans will change again. Perhaps the design you love so much now is the practical one for the future; not today.


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Written by Virily Editor

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