Saturday, 3.10.18
I woke up in the morning and heard raindrops outside. I looked out of my bedroom window to notice wet street, sidewalks, and soft rain. The sky was still cloudy white. I went downstairs to feed Gumby and take in the garbage bin from yesterday. When I opened the garage door, I just stood outside, under the soft rain and thought it was a beautiful day. It was like God was cleansing the earth with pure and soft rain from above. It was a relaxing day. So, I enjoyed my brunch and relaxed.
Then, I decided to display my new San Francisco Condo at Yoworld. It is one of my coolest homes there because it is filled with animated items. In the first scene, my avatar just arrived home in her yellow convertible 3-tire future car. The tree’s animated pink foliage sways back and forth with the spring breeze. The nextdoor neighbors are hanging out at my avatar’s doorstep.
In the below scene, my avatar enters her condo to relax by the window, enjoying her window view. This cozy minimalism flat combines the living room and kitchen. She has everything she needs, such as TV, laptop, computer, espresso machine, smoothie blender, and her dog. The dog has its own space, which includes bedding and toys. The living room has a daybed and sofabed for when she has visitors staying over during the holidays.
Even when it is raining outside, her dog still gets its exercise. This dog is animated prop because as she clicks on him to pick up and throw the frisbee, it gets ready to fetch its toy.
In this scene, the animated dog goes after the frisbee, and it is now jumping in the air to catch it in order to retrieve it to her for more frisbee games.
She relaxes on the white daybed.
As a vegan, she loves making smoothies. In this scene, she is using her new animated blender. When I click on it, she tosses different fruits into the blender and it shakes into creamy content. I changed her haircolor from tiger-eye shades to auburn in order to display different snapshots of the animated smoothie blender. In the 3rd snapshot, she is drinking her smoothie from the blender pitcher.
In the below scene, she is inside her bedroom, in which I labeled, “Bed Bath and Beyond” because it is a master bedroom with full bathroom and cozy nooks for different hobbies and activities. Her animated wardrobe looks like practical and simple Wardrobe Capsule for each season. Notice that she has 3 pets, a goose, a kitten, and a fluffy cat named Cocoa. It is very organized with shelves and nooks, which keeps her organized and productive on a daily basis.
When I click on the animated bed, she jumps on top of it and moves her limbs around to mess up the bed, which includes a pillows falls to the floor. Then, as jumps out of bed, robotic and mechanical arms come out from under the bed to do her bed for her. This bed reminds me of the Jetsons.
Sometimes, she goes to Yo Jobs to earn extra coins for shopping. During today’s Yo Jobs, she also won 3 gifts, in which I added in the below snapshot of the bedroom. It includes karaoke machine, record player, and shiny disco ball. She hangs out in her bedroom, enjoying her vintage props as she draws on her desk.