

6 Decorative Items to Spruce Up Your Room in 2023

If you want your room to feel perfect in 2023 (and beyond), you first need to focus on your decorations. After all, if you want your room to feel special day in and day out, you need to spice up your decoration style. To help you out, here are six decorative items that can help you spruce up your room in 2023: 

1. Quality Drapes

Few decorative items are as room-defining as a quality pair of drapes. Especially if you have an intimate bedroom where you like to let the sun in, but also like the option to dim the light for a nice afternoon nap, you’ll get a ton of value out of investing in high-quality drapes. Be sure to pick an eye-catching drape set that will compliment the color tones and style choices that already exist in your living room for the best effect. Doing so will help you tie the room together, and make your room truly yours. If you use pre-assembled baton draw drapery sets, you can easily set up your dream drapes in no time at all, and will never have to struggle to put them up and down. 

2. House Plants

If you want to bring life into your home, and into your bedroom, then you need some beautiful house plants. They will be like a new child and will bring tons of joy (and fresh oxygen) into your daily life. Getting a house plant that gives off a pleasant odor is especially recommended, and can help your room feel like a truly organic and worthwhile living space. House plants have become incredibly trendy and well-loved since the pandemic, so now is the time to invest in house plants that will make 2023 one of your best years yet. Just make sure you take the time to research how to best take care of your house plant (as they deserve your love)!

3. Statement Art

To double down on making your bedroom truly yours, you’ll need some statement art pieces to let people know what you’re all about. You can even use this decoration strategy to help inspire your own art creation or your life’s most important efforts. Statement art comes in all shapes and sizes, and practically anything you can display could be considered statement art. From DIY pieces to wooden logs, to legitimate paintings made by local artists, hanging up art will help liven up your room, and give it a clear identity. The process of finding statement art will benefit your mind and soul as well, as you’ll be taking time to ponder what matters to, and inspires you, day to day.

4. A Vintage Lamp

Vintage remains hot, even in 2023. Few decorative items are as vintage-friendly as lamps. Not only can you get vintage lamps for much cheaper than vintage furniture, but the style of old lamps is simply breathtaking (especially compared to their more dull modern counterparts). If you want to feel as though you live in a Victorian dreamscape every time you chill out in, or sleep in your bedroom, a vintage lamp will help to create the fantasy. You can shop online, or hit up your local thrift stores to find excellent deals on vintage lamps that will make your room feel incredibly unique and memorable. 

5. The Perfect Mirror

Whether you’re getting ready, or you simply want to admire your beauty, having the perfect mirror in your room is a no-brainer. Mirrors also add an ambiance to rooms that make them feel more lived-in and inviting. For those that want their rooms to feel truly complete, having a mirror to hang up that fits your aesthetic and needs is a must. You’ll be using the mirror practically every day, especially if you’re into fashion and accessories, so don’t be afraid to spend a bit more on this luxury. After all, a quality mirror can last you a lifetime (as long as you take care of it). 

6. A Solid Bed Set

No room will feel complete without a comfortable and visually-stunning bed set. If you want to sleep in style and comfort, you need to put your all into finding a bed set that will work for you. Comfort is just as important as style, however, so make sure to never place one over the other. Try to match your bed set to the color themes and aesthetic nature of your room for the best results. Since this is a product you’ll be using every day, it’s not a bad idea to go for high-quality, even if they’re expensive, bed sets. 


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Written by Virily Editor

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