
Bring on the figgy pudding

I am hoping that no one takes offense. I finally had to look up figgy pudding. I was fine to simply sing the song and not have a clue. The boys however were pressing me on what it is and why I had not made them any if it is important enough to be in a song.

So I looked it up. I have some questions. Some recipes called for figs, which I think I can buy in a bag (maybe) one called for plums. There are no fresh plums in the produce area is such a thing as canned plums that work. Anyone have any advice.

None of my local stores (meaning within 75 miles) have figgy pudding to purchase.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter

One Comment

  1. I think it’s because in baking, we can use most dried fruits interchangeably. Dried figs, raisins, or prunes all work in the same kinds of pudding and cake recipes.