Sunday, July 11, 2021
Delightful Street Meet, in Seoul, South Korea. Insa-dong Jongno-gu. I received 3.9/5.8 on this outfit challenge. She is wearing a cute sunhat, mini sundress, over-the-knee socks, sneakers, cute blue purse with bunny keychain décor, her jewelry, black sunglasses, and her camera. She looks comfortable and cool, during the July heat, as she enjoys the sights and ambiance of Seoul.

My second avatar received 3.8/5.8 for her outfit. She is a freckled redhead. Her hair is pulled up into a casual bun. She wears black RayBan sunglasses and visor to protect her sensitive skin. Under her purple sundress, she wears a pink long-sleeve ruffled blouse. She also wears purple over-the-knee socks, white sneakers, and white heart dangling earrings. She carries her large summer purse and camera on her street adventure.

Which summer adventure outfit do you like best?