Sunday, September 12, 2021
Yoworld Challenge 4 is A Hard Day’s Work. This home décor challenge involves decorating a relaxing patio area to hang out after work hours. With the fireplace on, my avatar hangs out with many of her pets, who are all napping while she eats her dinner. Other people for dinner haven’t arrived yet. My first avatar receives 4.7 on this 19th century PEI front porch décor.

My 2nd avatar received 4.0. I am not sure why I got a lower score. It is similar but slightly different. The 2nd one has a cat tree and cat food as well as a wine bar. But lots of pets in both scenes, and all enjoying a good nap while my avatar eats her dinner as she waits for others to arrive.

I did use different furniture, as well as different color for pet furniture. The first one has a gated metal door as well as a lighted tree archway. The second one just has a fence.