Saturday, July 24, 2021
Yoworld Challenge 8 is Confession d’Amour at Villa YoMonde, Nancy, France. I received 4.5/5.8 rating vote score. Love is in the air, as people mingle and socialize while enjoying some snacks and tea. Swan pets also enjoy the environment and the little pond with their babies.

My 2nd avatar received a 4.5/5.8 rating score on her décor party. It looks a little different. The pond is empty of wildlife. But I added two entertainers—a Swedish harp player and a Swedish singer.

Both of my avatars in partying in the scenes. The first one is wearing a pink flapper hat and gown, and she is chatting with an older man. The second one is wearing a flapper headband fascinator hat and gown, and she is seated at a table with a blonde woman, chatting and nibbling on the snacks.
I added both of my avatars from both scenes, below…
Although both my decor scenes received the same score, which party do you prefer to attend?