Saturday, July 3, 2021
The next fashion challenge involves Fashion Week in Seoul, Koreal, where many Yomodels are parading with their outfits in the bustling streets of Seoul. It is titled “Heart and Seoul” in Korea.

My first avatar received a 4.4/5.8 for her outfit, hair, makeup and props. The first one wears a traditional Korean dress, shoes and socks, with Korean flag, party hair, and cute purse.

My second avatar received a 3.7/5.8 score in this same challenge. She wears a different Korean dress and accessories, but she has the same shoes and socks. She also carries a Korean flag. Her hair is a different style—a short bob with a headband. She has more jewelry on, and she prefers carrying a small utilitarian purse around her waist, but hanging loosely over her hips.
Which Seoul-inspired fashion style do you prefer?