Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Yoworld Challenge 7 is a fashion challenge in Paris, France at Couturier. My first avatar receives a 4.3/5.8 for modeling an Exquisite Silhouette gown and flapper hat, as well as pink DonnaSue Art Nouveau high heel shoes, bronze pin, pink DonnaSue Art Nouveau dangling earrings, red corset belt, and pink butterfly purse. She wears high fashion makeup and holds a red rose.

My second avatar receives a 4.1/5.8 voting rate in the same fashion challenge. She wears a similar gown in different colors, with light purple DonnaSue Art Nouveau high heel shoes, gold pin, Silver DonnaSue Art Nouveau dangling earrings, blue corset belt, black and gold designer handbag, and flapper headband with a cream social fascinator hat. She has the same bob hair but in black, and her makeup is soft and natural. She also holds a red rose. She has a slightly lower score.

Which French Fashion Model looks better?