Friday, 9.3.21
Challenge #1 for September is Protector of Peace fashion challenge for the Unicorn Sanctuary Watch Tower.
My first avatar received 3.9 rating. It includes glowing neon pink bob, pink ethereal eyes with cat-eye makeup, gold unicorn earrings, white flowy gown, white boots, and sheer cape with tinge of pink. She also wears a shiny and sparkling gold dress underneath.

My second avatar received a 3.4 rating. It is a similar outfit to the first one—same neon pink bob and white flowy dress as well as the sparkling shiny gold dress underneath and white boots, but this model wears golden armor vest on top with a belted sword. Her unicorn earrings are white, and her eyes are different. She has blue cat eyes. She has less makeup, mostly black eyeliner and pink lipstick.

Which Unicorn Fashion Outfit to you prefer?