Tuesday, 10.19.21
Early today, I took out the jacket in the backyard to hang it in the sun. There wasn’t much sun today because it was kind of cold day. I am thinking of getting Borax or some mildew remover for laundry tomorrow. I really like this cargo jacket, even though it was from a sample sale at the LA garment district during the 80s.

By 6 pm, I went to the Woodbridge Village Center, where 10 people showed up for the walking meetup. It was cold this evening. It is a good thing I wore my puffy jacket. I asked around for tips to take out mildew stains from clothes. But no one there knew anything. As we walked, I noticed many home had Halloween decorations on their lawn–big lighted props.

I ended walking 4.6 miles and 11,050 steps. It is dark now, between 6:30pm and 8pm. Afterwards, I went inside Grocery Outlets to see if they have Borax. They just had OxiClean. I might come back for that if Borax doesn’t work.

People are doing fun stuff…

Cool neon decor…

Afterwards, some people stayed to hang out outside and eat frozen yogurt. I thought it was too cold to be eating frozen yogurt tonight. I decided to go home and make a cup of hot herb tea.
I noticed that Rosemary’s Baby was playing again on one of the channels. I decided to watch it again because it is entertaining.

This is the latest outfit I won in the IMVU daily spin the wheel.