Thursday, September 9, 2021

Challenge 3 is Island Life, which takes place during the autumn time in Green Gables. 19th century PEI Cavendish home. But this challenge is about the fashion of that time. My first avatar received 4.6 rating. She looks cozy, with her chestnut brown hair up in a high bun twist. She wears knee-high brown lace-up boots, blue knee-length plaid dress, light blue lacy blouse, gold locket necklace, light green ribbon tied in a pretty bow around her shirt collar, which holds her straw sunhat behind her, and a charm bracelet. As she walks her cat and small white poodle on a leash, she carries her designer purse, iPhone, and a cappuccino cup. She also wears green stud earrings, rings, and a gold watch.

My avatar #2 received a 4.3 rating on her outfit. She wears a similar outfit, but a different color. Her chestnut brown hair is a short bob, with a diamond studded GEMINI hairpin holding on side of her bangs into a side part. She wears the same plaid dress but in purple with a lacy beige blouse and knee-high tan boots. A pretty green bow decorates her outfit, as it holds her straw sunhat behind her. She carries her designer purse and green tote with her small dog. She wears lots of pretty warm-toned makeup to bring out her features.
Which Cavendish model do you prefer?