Tuesday, 10.12.21
At 6 pm, I walked across the street to the UTC area for the UCI walking meetup. By 6:30 pm, 9 people showed up. It was cool this evening, which was a nice change because it felt like autumn. But I am not seeing any colorful leaves like I used to during previous autumn months. Maybe the Association changed the trees in my neighborhood.
I checked my iPhone to noticed I walked 8.2 miles, 17,995 steps, and 12 floors today. But, earlier, I had walked at south Coast Plaza for a while, which I am guessing was around 3 miles, and I probable walked about 5 miles at UCI meetup. The UCI campus was crowded with students. Schools starts at the end of September. When I was a UCI students during the 80s, I remember school started on September 30th, and I has 4 months of summer vacation.
I returned home at 8:30pm and relaxed.