Saturday, December 25, 2021
Xmas Day 2021
Yoworld Challenge 8 is Merry Christmas! Party at home sweet home, in the dining room.
My first avatar receives 4.3 on her home décor. My avatar is the redhead with blue earmuffs.

The family in this scene are British. There appears to be three generations spending their holiday together. I see the parents, grandparents, 4 teenagers, and two young adult men in their 20s and 30s, and 1 yorkie dog. My avatar joins them in their family scene, enjoying the snack table, while the parents are getting ready to eat their dinner, the younger people taking selfies and partying, and the grandparents walking slowly toward the dinner table.
My second avatar received a 4.4 on her home décor. She has brown hair and she is wearing a green outfit.

In this second scene, the family appears to be a young elite American family into luxury, high-end fashions. The young parents have 3 small kids and three dogs, as well as two waiters. Two young adult female relatives join them in their party scene. My second avatar is seated at the kids’ table, nibbling on the fries.
Which family holiday party do you prefer?