Friday, January 21, 2022
Challenge 7 in Yoworld is Joie de Vivre. It takes places in Quebec, Canada, at Quebec City, where many people congregate to fight for their freedom and rights against the New World Order agenda. Quebec, along with Germany and Austria, continue to fight back to live their life normal again, free of all the bullshit about vaccine mandatory, stupid flus plandemic made out to be a pandemic, and all the other domestic terrorist acts for socialism and communism.

My first avatar received a 4.3 on her winter outfit. She is still fashionable, but casual and warm. Snowflake-print leggings, long warm sweater, high boots, puffy jacket, gloves, knit beanie, and earmuffs. Her main accent color is purple, against the gray, black and off-white. She loves fashionable accessories, which includes layers of purple scarves with different texture, dangling earrings, earmuff, trendy purse, and cute boots. She wears lots of makeup, the latest trend, to bring out her big blue eyes, high cheekbones, and classic red lips. She even wears a belt to cinch her waist over her long sweater, but it is covered up by her scarves.

My second avatar received a 4.7 on her outfit. She is dressed in a similar fashionable outfit, but in different colors. Her main colors are neutral beige, gray and brown, with a purple accent color. But she prefers one plaid purple scarf, burgundy slouchy beanie, and fluffy white earmuffs. Her main accessories include her trendy cherries purse, takeout coffee cup, and a white poodle French doggie best friend on a leash. She, too, likes her makeup—sexy red lips, contoured red cheekbones, and eye makeup. She wears maple-leaf earrings to fight for Canada. She has long, thick, tussled and curly blonde hair. She also wears a belt over her sweater to cinch her waist, but it isn’t covered up by her scarf.
My second Yoworld model received a higher score, although her outfit is slightly different, and she carries different favorite accessories. Which outfit do you prefer?