


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Spiders are creative, like Charlotte in that save the pig cartoon movie for kids, Charlotte’s Web. Spiders are also symbolism for changes coming into one’s life. Daddy-Long-Legs

Someone mentions that August 12, 2023 will have a major event reset in USA. I am not sure what that is, but if something does happen, let’s pray it is positive. It might be a Reichstag Fire shocking disaster with intentions to create chaos for the New World Order agenda.

Prophecy stones? Grounding into the right path, predictive, and blocks negative energy.

Blood sacrifice is when killing others to get a desired favor. It is ritualistic. Scapegoat sounds ritualistic, as well, because cute and sweet goats are used as a blood sacrifice. It is also animal abuse, sick, and archaic.

Hyper-interdependence is about being codependent.

Soulmates are people you connect with in your life. Twin Flames are two people who share the same soul, and they are magnetically attracted to each other because of such connection. They share similar past experiences and trauma.

Saturday, June 3rd was full moon is Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius will affect all zodiac signs.

US Government is the troll. What else is new? 

Obama’s grandfather worked for Bush Senior as a CIA operative?


What do you think?

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