
Educating the Youth: 5 Benefits of Receiving Music Lessons to Children

People of different race and cultures enjoy listening to music, singing a song, and playing an instrument. But despite these common interest, music lessons have been decimated in schools around the world. It’s eradicated because of its competition with academic subjects and an increasing lack of fundings to support it.

Today, other people have seen the opportunity for children to learn instrument become more of a luxury than an essential part of education. To determine why music education is important,  here are five benefits of receiving music lessons to children.

It Can Improve Academic Skills

Children enrolled in a music lesson also learns how to divide, create fractions, and recognize patterns by understanding the scales, beat, and rhythm. Basic math can be seen all over the music notations and theory including half-notes and chords.

In a music lesson, a child can follow a rhythm or beat after understanding the concepts of ratios and fractions. As a result, a child can understand music while also learning the basic of mathematics.

Music instrument lessons also introduce basic physics to young children. For example, plucking the strings on a violin or guitar helps children understand about sympathetic and harmonic vibrations. Even non-string instrument such as the vibraphone or drums also allows young kids to explore the scientific principles of vibration.

It Can Develop Physical Skills

In a music lesson, the kids will understand how to make music, and learns how to play an instrument. There are instruments such as percussion, helps children develop their motor and coordination skills. This type of instruments is great for children who have high energy.

Keyboard and string instruments, like the piano and violin, requires different actions from your left and right hands at the same time. Playing these instruments also teach children to coordinate different motions with their hands simultaneously. With that, they will develop perfect timing, strength, and coordination that may prepare them for other hobbies like playing sports and dancing.

It Cultivates Social Skills

One of the most important skills every child must learn is proper social interaction. Children in a music class will learn to have peer communication and interaction especially when they need to do a group presentation. For example, children must collaborate to make an accelerando or crescendo.

It is essential for children to understand their part in a group. They will learn to work with others to accomplish common goals. Children who took part in a group showed greater impulsive cooperation and helped others more compared to children who took part in a play session without music.

Some associations suggest bringing back music lessons in the academic curriculum around the globe. There are also some sites like and other music related pages who promotes music lessons as they believe about the positive impact of music classes in the social skill of a child.

It Can Refine Discipline and Patience

Learning an instrument teaches children about delayed satisfaction. To play an instrument, students must persevere through months and sometimes it takes years before they can perform with a band or memorizing a piece.

Group lessons in which students required to play the same instrument in an ensemble improves patience as they need to wait for their turn to play individually. The children also learn how to show respect to their peers by listening to their classmates’ play. Being quiet and attentive for a designated period of time will refine their discipline and patience.

It Can Boost Self-Esteem

Music lessons offer a meeting where students can learn to give and accept helpful criticism. It is a challenge for them to turn negative feedback into positive change that can boost their self-confidence. The students will gain more confidence every time they perform in front of the class.


Music lessons allow children to understand music deeply. In every lesson they learned, they are also improving their cognitive skills and boost their self-confidence. Learning an instrument may change the life of a child. It can refine his/her discipline and patience to wait for the moment when he can deliver a solo piece or can already perform with a band.

The introduction of music to children have numerous benefits that can enhance their ability to plan, organize and complete tasks. Children who receive music lesson had significantly improved visual and structural short-term memory compared to students who had not received music classes.


What do you think?

Written by Tom Clark

One Comment

  1. Sorry I pressed LOL not LOL but I want to choose Love it emotion. anyway, they say pregnant mother should listen or put classical music on the womb for the baby to listen to.