
Country Girl – part 7

There  was this about Zelda; people felt she was  stupid and harmless. As she wasn’t bad looking, men would talk to her, thinking she would be an easy bedable.

Sitting at the bar, acting as if everything was wonderful,  Zelda was able to find out about her ‘beloved’ and the female he was with.  She slipped out of the bar and went back to the rooms she occupied above Martha’s shop.

During the next two weeks  she learned the usual day and time her ‘beloved’  came to the bar.   As she wasn’t ready to reveal herself would visit on days he was not expected..

She wanted to build up a relationship with the bartender, (who was also the owner) so that she could change jobs.  She had noticed that there were rooms above the bar.

In old neighbourhoods, this was common.

Eventually, in conversation with the bartender she make a reference to having so much work at the shop.

There’s  a way to disparage people and places which, seeming to be done reluctantly, is more convincing than a straight complaint.

Zelda was a master at it.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar