Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Celebrity psychic channels singer Jim Morrison. It appears he used a lot of witchcraft in his career. He was born with psychic energy.
She says there is a connection between Jim Morrison and Boy George.
He was in a 3-day process of pray and ritual to shut his body down, and go to his childhood. (That sounds like what Heath Ledgers was doing before he died).
Jim Morrison was a great singer and just a big addict
i didnt grow up listening to him. but i did watch the movie The Doors about Jim Morrison, i think with my brother and his ex-girlfriend, when it first came out. the movie had dark scenes. the movie started with the scene in the desert of the car accident, killing native americans. there was scenes where he was doing witchcraft stuff for his career growth.
But I listened to it a lot but unfortunately I didn’t watch it … maybe on occasion