<a href="http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/vanishing-point/385301" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Vanishing Point
A Nikki Boyd Novel
by Lisa Harris
Pub Date 07 Nov 2017
I am reviewing a copy of Vanishing Point through Revell and Netgalley:
On Garrett Addison’s first week on the job as a criminal investigator for the Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation his team is called to the murder scene of a young girl, the third victim in a string of disappearances with a common thread, a Polaroid Of each victim left at the scene.
The FBI is brought in on the case and Garett finds himself working with Special Agent Jordan Lambert, the very woman he had once been in love with. When the sixth girl dies Garett cannot help but blame himself and starts feeling as if he does not have what it takes to be an agent.
In this book well loved, and Best selling author Lisa Harris brings to light a case that haunted authorities and the public for over a decade.
Five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!
very good articles writings! salute! nice vanishing
Great review…Very well written!
Amazing review as always