<a href="https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-secret-life-of-sarah-hollenbeck-bethany-turner/1125516126" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck
by Bethany Turner
Pub Date 03 Oct 2017
I am reviewing a copy of The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck through Revell and Netgalley:
Becoming a Christian was both the best and worst thing that happened to Sarah Hollenbeck. The best because she had given her heart to Jesus and accepted the gift of eternal life. The problem is she had made her living as a steamy romance novelist, who wrote the type of novels that would leave church members blushing. Sarah is now trying to reconcile her past and future while still being under contract from her publisher and on the hook from her huge fan base.
Will Sarah be able to decide what is right, or will she bend to pressure? Find out in The Secret Life Of Sarah Hollenbeck.
Five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!
very good photo awesome