
What Happened – 9 (End)

In the morning, realising she had sex with her best friend’s husband,  Cindy felt so much shame, she ran.

When Kelly contacted her she told him that it was a terrible mistake and that they shouldn’t see each other again.

Kelly tried to tell her that he loved her but she kicked it away and hung up, and ceased to answer his calls.

Days,  weeks passed, then, one night, at the bar, he saw Cindy enter with Craig.  They were all over each other.   He watched from a corner until they  left.

Kelly kept drinking until he made his statement and Jacob took him  home.

Home alone, Kelly cried.

He cried for his loss  of Cindy, then, his loss of Rosa.

Now, alone, he thought maybe he should have loved Rosa.  Even a little.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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