With House 5 gone, that left only House 3 as a possible inheritance for Keith and Joey. Considering Colin’s investments, they would lose that one as well.
Over the years, Colin had dumped thousands of dollars into the house.
Of course, he more than recouped by secretly renting it out. His prime tenants were illegal Jamaican immigrants who paid cash and said nothing about anything.
The way Colin made it appear, it was clear that when Miranda died if Keith and Joey went for the house, they’d have to repay Colin before they could claim it.
This meant that it would cost them a great deal of money and considering their financial situation, it was highly unlikely.
Colin had been devastated his Mother was leaving Two Houses to her grandsons and only 1/2 of a house to him. Now, without an eyebrow life, they had lost House 5. And due to his ‘diligence’ they wouldn’t get House 3.