Archaeological sites of human settlements on the territory of Serbia date back to the Palaeolithic period, 40,000 years before the new era. The earliest known civilization in Europe originates from the Mesolith and the young neolith – Lepenski Vir (6500-5500 BC) and Vinca (5500-3500 BC).

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The richest is the antique cultural heritage, which left a great Roman empire behind. In the territory of today’s Serbia, 17 Roman emperors were born, which makes up one fifth of their total number. In the rivers of Serbia so far the remains of two Roman ships have been discovered. One of the first military fortifications on the Danube was Viminacium near Pozarevac (east Serbia).

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Beautiful frescoes that can be seen in Viminacium, have neither Paris nor London. And, a Roman city that can be seen in less than 100 kilometers from Belgrade does not exist in Italy either.This city was built in the 1st century, and for some time it was the capital of the great Roman province of Upper Mezia. As a highly developed city, it is estimated that it had about 48,000 inhabitants, while the camp itself counted as many as 6,000 soldiers.The right attack of Hun and Avara, is destroyed in 441 and then rebuilt as a military fortification at the time of Emperor Justinian I. With the arrival of the Slavs, on the remains of Viminacium, the settlement Branichevo is created.

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There was almost no Roman emperor who had not visited him. It’s almost that the representatives of all then known nations lived here. On several occasions, Emperor Constantine also stayed in this city. Here was the mintage of gold and silver Roman money. The Romans knew how to enjoy it. They were an advanced society. They had roads, aqueduct, thermal spas, floor and wall heating, a library in the Roman baths, a post office service, everything that is a feature of today’s modern society.

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There were 4 Flavius and 7 Claudius Legions, who were the top of the army. They had special weapons, short spears, with which the soldiers were quick and efficient.

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In Viminacium in 2012, a figurine of a female deity aged about 4,000 years ago was discovered. This is the twin of the Klichevac idol discovered in 1881. In 2013, an altar dedicated to nymphs was found, and during 2014 they found marble statues and a golden necklace from the Roman period. It began with the excavation of the Roman military camp in 2017. Marble sculptures, tombstones and sarcophagi, jewelry and dishes from Viminacium are kept in the National Museums in Belgrade and Pozarevac.
Keep up with these excellent posts. The pictures say a thousand words and more about the prevalence of the Romans. I hope you do not mind if I print your post because I want to keep those beautiful archeological finds. I have a tendency to overstock my library. I will await for your approval.
Of course I do not mind … thanks for the compliments.
Thank you very much Marija. I will print them with a color printer of course to get the full bloom of all the archeological pictures.
Nice post about Serbian History.