To give you an example; imagine you were a member of the P.T.A. who had organised a trip for a class, leaving at 8 am.
Just before 8 am you receive a call from the driver; the bus isn’t coming.
You think quick, you and your second, load your cars with the kids and the teacher who were early and drive off just before 8 am.
Those who arrive after 8 am are left. The story will be that those who were late were left.
You, your second and the teacher know the bus cancelled. But don’t say that as no one asks.
The children will learn that when “8:00 a.m.” is said, that means 8:00 a.m.
Veranda Sitters, who know nothing, will proclaim the ‘lateness’ as the reason why those kids did not get to go.
With people like this, who are so adamant and vocal, one has no explaining to do. One will not even be asked.