When you live in a Kakistocracy, no appointment based on merit, qualifications, or anything but B/B/P… that is ‘bed’ ‘blood’ or ‘Patronage’. The third contains, people who are owed money, people who are owed favours, persons whom require the pay before they ‘play’.
In a Kakistocracy positions are created for these people, or if they already exist, are earmarked for these people.
When somehow a person is appointed who is actually qualified from outside of the B/B/P there are consequences.
This is a true story.
Sharline was appointed to a particular position. She had the education, the qualifications, the experience. Unfortunately, the job was supposed to go to Myra. Myra was an old bed filler of Big Man. Myra was a member of the Party in Power. She wanted the job because she wanted the pension as well as opportunities to fill her pocket.
But Sharline got the position.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxBlqfd-b24" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
From the first day everyone conspired to insure that Sharline failed. She was not told about meetings, she was not given the necessary information, and very often, her phone calls were not taken.
Sharline was made to fail and resigned because she could not get anything done, and Myra got the post.
Myra spent the next two years doing absolutely nothing at all whatsoever save steal money. She ‘hired’ incompetent people to do jobs on contract, for which they were paid. She claimed all sorts of things were done, which were not.
Because she was part of the Kakistocracy she was allowed to resign because of ‘poor health’ and went home with her take and a pension.
This is a common story in a country where corruption is the form of governance.
Its Amazing Topic jaylar!
tragically it is true, only not the names.