
Shalako A Novel (book review)

A western novel written by Louis L’Amour published by Bantam Books is a well-crafted, formula read.  Now, who is ready for a classic western read?  ‘Shalako’ is a story about a white man as smart as any Indian who is helping others to survive in the Indian territory of the time.  Shalako uses his wits along with his trusty rifle as any good pioneer would do at this point in history.  Shalako also has his horse that he sets and accomplishes his duties to his fellow man.

On page 150 Louis L’Amour writes “Every person identifies himself by his habits and his mannerisms.  Sometimes you know them by the tracks they leave, sometimes by the tracks they do not leave.  Little things add up to make a picture…” This statement can be used today as well as it was when Shalako or even when Louis said and wrote the line.  This classic western by Louis L’Amour is written for entertainment and enjoyment, but the lessons learned can be applied to all generations.  The line I shared is a lesson for all to take to heart and pass along to others in all professions from being a cowboy guide to a teacher to a nurse to even a social worker/counselor.  Classic western literature has a purpose and that is show how things change but stays the same throughout time and lessons that seem to be repeated through the generations.


What do you think?

Written by 1Mark