One of the most obvious examples of the ‘Closed Door’ is found in sites on the Internet.
Here you have site 1; I’ll call it Riterite. There is an Owner and a mod. The site is pretty dodgy.
Yet, there are people who don’t simply use it, they promote it, they discuss it, they even have ideas for it as if they have some knowledge or power.
This clown doesn’t realise that s/he has no idea what s/he is promoting. The site could be a scam, it could be in the process of being sold and re-worked, or it is one of those ‘time markers’.
The same kind of ‘blind support’ that users will give a site they know nothing about, so too a politician or issue. These rabid supporters have no idea what is really happening, they know what they are told or led to believe.
And they behave in such a manner that others think they know something or have connection, so that they relate to this misguided nobody as if he has power.