I spent very little time with Miri.
In fact, the most time we spent together would be on Friday nights.
Even before Miri was born my Friday would an early dinner, then ‘Auntie Bea’ (a neighbour) would come. My parents would be all dressed up, and say good night. I would watch T.V. with Auntie Bea until about eight p.m. then go to bed.
It wasn’t just Fridays my folks went out, they had weddings and parties and various occasions to go out during a year, but Friday was standard.
When Miri was born, maybe my folks missed two Friday, but then, it was as it had been, with Auntie Bea coming over after dinner.
It was normal for Friday to be an early dinner, Auntie Bea, television, bed.
Then, when I was fourteen. I was considered old enough to watch Miri. I had been warned not to go out, so, I stayed inside with Miri for five/six hours nd mostly, we watched television.