
Count Vronsky I

One of the most beautiful love stories ever sharing stories about the legendary lovers Anna Karenina and Count Vronsky, a sequel tragic end just won in Serbia near the Serbian village of Gornji Adrovac. Everyone knows the famous place of one of the most novel of all time, Anna Karenina, when Count Vronsky after Anna’s suicide, goes to the Serbian-Turkish war.

Count Vronsky felt that from that war will not return. Defending Serbia was killed near the village of Gornji Adrovac. The inspiration for the legendary lover Tolstoy was a Russian colonel Nikolaj Rayevski. It is not accidental that the great Russian writer Vronsky planned to finish just like that, because Colonel Rayevski in that war really died. It happened in 1876, at the time of writing of Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” has not been completed.

After the death of Colonel Rajevskog, his mother left a lot of money from someone in a moving upper Adrovac near Aleksinac picked colorful Russian church, not the city where he was killed by a hero whose life and work created Count Vronsky. A few hours before the colonel Rayevski die with him spoke Dr. Vladan Djordjevic. The match doctor was so interesting that it is the past record.

Colonel Doctor describes as grim and taciturn man, but states that the very day he died was very cheerful and lively, even cracking jokes. He rode to his death dressed in shabby uniforms Serbian colonel, tossing him to defend the honor of his famous family.


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