Charles Pierre Baudelaire was born on April 9, 1821 in Paris. With seven years since the great poet was left without a father. His mother remarried to an officer Jacques OPIC. What marked Baudelaire’s youth and ordered poetically put it was aware of their own loneliness and life in the darkest circles of Paris. Wanting to be away from Paris, concerned about his lifestyle, his mother and stepfather sent him on the road, boarding the ship to India. However, the poet will find inspiration there. Publishes “Salon 1845”, “Consolation maxims about love”, “Salon 1846”, “advice to young writers’ translation of Edgar Allan Poe, published see” About wine and hashish, “then the studio” Egdar Allan Poe, his life and his work, “and finally, in 1857 the press comes the famous collection of poems,” Flowers of evil “. Baudelaire and his publisher were 20. August the same year sentenced for violation of public morality at the fine and the omission of six songs from “Flowers of Evil”. It says the study “Richard Wagner and Tannhauser in Paris,” then show Igoovih “Les Miserables”. In 1866 experienced a stroke the following year, on 31 August, on her mother’s arms after a long agony, dying Charles Pierre Baudelaire, the founder of a new aesthetic and a new way of writing poetry. He was buried in Paris, a year after the death of the first outputs Bodlerovih “Collected Works” with a foreword by Theophilus Gautier.