
Branko Miljkovic

Early feeling of helplessness before the world prompted me to poetry. A man looking at the world is faced with two alternatives: either to feel our nothingness, or to admire. Admiration us parity with those we admire. Poetry I started writing out of fear. (…) All that is human has a future. The future of poetry is the future of man. About the collapse of poetry mostly those who are afraid of progress. “(Branko Miljkovic in conversation with Mikhail Blečića for NIN, 25 September 1960) On this day in 1934 in Nis was born poet Branko Miljkovic. He wrote poetry since high school days, translated from French and Russian (Mayakovsky, Pasternak, Block, Prevert, Eluard, Valery …), studied philosophy and had all the tithes, wrote essays and reviews, edited “aspects”, “Literature Gazette “…

Even as a high school student reading ancient philosophers, Hegel, Shakespeare, Rabelais, Njegoša, Mayakovsky … In Belgrade 1955 meets Oskar Davico, a member of the editorial board of the new literature, modernist newspaper “Delo” and shyly gives your notebook with the lyrics. Davico said: “I have read and immediately saw this as a great poetry. When, again shy, came to ask for my opinion, I said that it was not the newspaper that should be printed as a book. I then wrote a review. It was a collection ‘It is vain to wake up.

“Branko Miljkovic was close to the French and Russian Symbolists and Surrealists, belonged to the circle of young poets neo-symbolists. When asked what his connection to the Surrealists said: “Kinship. I consider myself a grandson Surrealists. Trying to reconcile his poetic procedure of symbolic and surrealist poetry. “He quickly became the leading poet of his generation. October Award of Belgrade received in 1960. as the youngest laureate. He lived only twenty-seven years


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