
And Comes the Fourth Generation – part 80

The revelation by  Selma Rashford Grindley that Paul Mollusk, the then President, had ripped off the Board was her virtual last act as Matron.

Had she not been so ill, she might have been able to reveal more of the reality of Miriam House.

She could have exposed the non-working, dishonest cleaner, Odette, and had her replaced by someone who worked for her pay.

She might have been able to alert the Board that Miriam House was being eaten by termites, and that the East fence was virtually non-existent and needed to be replaced.

But Selma, after exposing Paul Mollusk, took to her bed.

With all the confusion her revelation of Mollusk’s theft caused, no one on the Board bothered to check on Selma.

They felt she had been totally disloyal for revealing the actions of Paul Mollusk.

Although Selma had been ‘one of them’, there are certain ‘rules’ they must follow, and that is never to embarrass or expose each other.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar