

(Photos courtesy of Best Love Quotes….)

I remember walking around Walgreens one October afternoon in 2015. I was walking around the snack section, like I usually do, and I heard a song playing in the store.

I sang along to this song, thinking that surely it must be true for me too.

I was already familiar with this song, and the artist.

Michael Bubble is one of my favorite singers, and reminds me so much of Luis Miguel.

I felt like the song was really for me.

The lyrics just seemed to make sense to me, like never before.

What I didn’t realize was that in a matter of a few weeks, I would meet the man that would change the rest of my life forever.

I had no idea I was about to meet him, yet I was receiving a hint from the universe.

Do you know the name of that song?

“I Just Haven’t Met You Yet, ” was the song. I heard it some time before Halloween, but I had no idea what was about to happen in my life.

After I met this beautiful stranger, I remember thinking back to that time I was shopping at Walgreens. It was just a random afternoon like any other, yet that day had special meaning for me.

That was nearly three years ago, and my life has changed so much.

When I realize that we don’t meet anyone by chance, or circumstance, I realize the true wisdom in all of God’s plans.

It is only up to us to be able to read the signs along the way, as we would traffic signals.

Just because you drive around aimlessly, doesn’t mean your road has no purpose. Just remember that.


What do you think?

Written by Maria Ayala


  1. It takes time to manifest something that you really want. Often times, when you do get what you want, it comes in a completely different package than what you were expecting.
