
Too Late – (Linda) – 3

Erica was a nice enough person.  She came each meeting, directly  from work, was talkative and friendly.  Linda, who worked in the kitchen  decided to beg money.

The first time Linda , Erica did give it to her. The second time, Erica declined.

Three weeks passed.  Each evening, when Erica  arrived, Linda allowed her a cup of hot water. Then Linda asked for a birthday present.

Erica bought her some very nice bath gel.

Linda  had the good side of the bargain.  All she ever did for Erica was to pour the already heated water into a cup.  Pour the water into a cup over the coffee Erica bought, and every year, Erica bought Linda a birthday present.

Then, one day, one of the Board Members was sharp to Linda. She kept the anger inside until Erica showed up.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar