
Too Late – Akona – 1

Akona always blamed her mother.   It was her mother who ‘abandoned’ her.    It was her mother’s fault she got pregnant when she was fifteen.   It was her mother’s fault she had to struggle.

If someone mentioned her grandmother,  Zinzi, Akona immediately would proclaim what a great mother Zinzi had been and how Zinzi had looked after her, as if she were making a public service announcement. She would exalt Zinzi for looking after her daughter, Zoe.

Then, she would return to attacking her mother.

No one bothered to argue with Akona.  If she couldn’t see the dichotomy there was no reason to waste breath.  Akona always seemed to forget the times her mother came to take her, and how she had refused to go.

As far as Akona was concerned, her mother abandoned her.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar