
The Unmasking of America – 15

 On January 6 2021,  Donald Trump sent his mindless supporters to attack the Capital Building and disrupt the counting of the Electoral College votes.

He told the fools who stood before him that he would ‘lead’ them to the Capital, then got into his car and drove off to later watch the rioting on television.

Not since 1814 had the Capital Building been attacked and then, it was during the War of 1812.  The inaction of the Security Detail because the rioters were white did not go unnoticed.  

That the protesters were White was how they got through the gates, onto the balcony, and stayed as long as they liked.   The fact is that when the protestors are not white they can be beaten and killed. This is standard in America which is the most racist country in the world.

Very early morning on January 7th, the sitting of   the United States Congress resumed. Legislators who had worshipped Donald Trump, backed down;  including his lap dog;  Mike Pence, who refused to do Trump’s bidding.

Joe Biden was confirmed as the winner of the November election and would be the new President.

Late in the evening,  Trump  made an about face.   He lied about his involvement as the instigator of the attack on Congress.  He spoke as if the rioters had not followed his orders, and those of his puppets; who told the mob to fight.

Trump’s mental condition has always been questioned; even before his announcement that he was a ‘very stable genius’

That he ought never have been elected is obvious.  He has caused chaos and destruction, provoked the outpouring of racism and belief in all forms of conspiracy theories. 

He has brought the United States into world wide derision. 

This was fully exposed on the 6th  of January when he unleashed his followers  to attack the Congress, then on the 7th; made an about face, abandoning his mindless minions.

Questions as to removing him from office; invoking the 25th Amendment or Impeachment fill the airwaves, and the world wonders what he will do during the days between now and the 20th when Joe Biden is sworn in as the next President.



What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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